

interior stylist

Tastemaker | Design Enthusiast | Curator of Atmospheres | Student of craft

Welcome to my official website, I’m thrilled that you’re here!

My name Is Teylour, Owner/host of the sweetest little Airb&b- ‘Bella Casa PDX’ and emerging INTERIOR STYLIST, positioned in Portland, OR. I’m proud to note that I’m a native to NE Portland and after 15 years away from my hometown, I bought my first home and relocated back to NE Portland, where it all began. My entire professional career has been centered around a common thread, that being “Design.” Whether that’s my 6 year stint in Lux retail sales, or the last 10 years hiring creative designers in the tech industry, I’ve always been drawn to the varying elements of design and more specifically, Interior Styling. The runway for creativity and exploration is endless. While some might find design to be daunting or aspirational at best, I find thrill, challenge and curiosity! From a young age, I’ve carried a passion for interior design and creating living spaces that feel holistic and honest. Today, I’m committed to helping individuals and families unlock the unique potential that brings life into any given space. Whether you’re a host of a short-term rental looking to furnish or elevate your guest experience, stage a property, or revamp your personal space, then I’m here to be your guide, mentor and inspiration generator! Drop me an email or visit me on IG for a glimpse into my work, passions and hobbies. Until then, thank you for stopping by and I hope to partner with you in time!




‘Good taste


good faith’

This is the portion of my story as a designer where I get to share the origin of ‘good taste in good faith’ and what it means to me.

If you happen to follow me on social platforms, you might have seen the acronym ‘GTIGF’ in my bio or in the caption section of the content I share. While on the surface this might seem like a slogan of sorts, GTIGF has transformed into a way of life and a guiding principle that came to me during a time of radical self realization and transformation.

”GTIGF” derived from the personal belief that everything we do, from consumption, how we treat ourselves and others, and how we treat our planet should be rooted in a ‘why’ and derive from a place of good intent, careful thought, and conscious consideration. My theory (now turned reality) was that if I prioritize my why, then anything that comes my way will have meaning, and that meaning will have a compounding effect on my relationships, how I show up for myself & others, and hopefully positively impact the health of our planet. This is why I coined “Good taste in good faith“ it’s my North Star when I’m lost. It’s the philosophy that brings me back to the values I deem important. It’s a promise to myself and to this community; To lead with integrity, honesty and love for all things. In the context of curating and interior design, it means that much of what we think we need, we likely already have. It drives us to be resourceful, explore our personal creativity, and to lean on our neighbors & surrounding communities as a key component to creating something that is uniquely yours. It means creating from a place of purity and good intent. It’s trusting that it will all come together and be okay in knowing that it’s never finished, but always evolving and taking new forms. That is what Good Taste In Good Faith means for me.

x Teylour

-thinker, creator, & designer of holistic spaces.


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